Is there a song you want me to cover?

Here’s how it works:

After you complete and submit the song request form below, I will review the song and let you know if I am able to complete the request.

If yes, I’ll send you a PayPal invoice to the email you provided. The current fee is $200.

Upon confirmation of payment, I’ll provide you with a time estimate of how long it will take to complete.

Once complete, I will email you a link so that you can view the video privately on YouTube for two (2) days prior to it being released publicly on my channel.

The video will include me personally acknowledging and thanking you for the song request.

I will also create and provide you (via email) with a PDF tab of the lead guitar part so that you can learn to play it for yourself.

If you have any additional questions please include them in the request form below.



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